Graduate school: INES-Ruhengeri.

Qualification: Bachelors

Area Of Specialization: Civil Engineering

Department/Office: Civil Engineering

Service/Position/Rank: Tutorial Assistant

MATABARO Felicien, a Tutorial Assistant in the Department of Civil Engineering, brings a solid foundation in the field backed by a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from INES-Ruhengeri. His journey towards becoming a proficient educator and engineer began with a comprehensive educational background, including advanced-level studies at College Saint Andre/Nyamirambo, where he focused on Mathematics, Chemistry, and Biology.

His academic path has equipped him with a strong understanding of the principles and practices within Civil Engineering, laying the groundwork for his role as a Tutorial Assistant. With a passion for both learning and teaching, he is dedicated to supporting students in their academic endeavors, helping them grasp complex concepts and develop practical skills essential for success in the field.

He aims to foster an engaging and supportive learning environment where students can thrive, drawing upon his own experiences and knowledge to guide them toward their academic and professional goals. Through effective communication, hands-on instruction, and a commitment to continuous improvement, he strives to make a positive impact on the next generation of civil engineers.


Phone: +(250) 783877753 / +(250) 727417587  
