Courses titles and Speakers (school)
Course 0
#Room 215
Softwares (R, Python) Learning Tutorial
S. DABO, Université de Lille, (France)
Course 1
#Room 215
Applied Optimization: Calculus of variations, Optimal control theory and Applications in Mathematics decision sciences
G. Degla, Université d’Abomey Calavi (Bénin)
Course 2
#Room 215
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Machine learning and Neural Networks with their applications in digital economics
C. PAOLO, Parma University, Italy
Course 3
#Room 216
Machine learning for the detection and prediction of crop diseases
(L. Mpinganzima , UR-CST, Rwanda)
Course 4
#Room 216
Progress in mathematical economics.
J. P. GAZEAU, Université de Paris7 (France)
Course 5
#Room 216
Le rôle des mathématiques comme facteur de développement
M. KARIMUMURYANGO, Université du Burundi
Course 6
#Room 216
Stochastic Processes and Bayesian statistics
A. K. Diongue, Universite Gaston Belger de Saint Louis Senegal
Course 7
#Room 216
Deep Learning for recognition tasks
P. HOUNGUE, Université d’Abomey Calavi (Bénin)
09:30 - 10:30 AM
#Room 217