Graduate school: None
Qualification: PhD
Area Of Specialization: Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
Department/Office: Faculty of Sciences and Information Technology
Service/Position/Rank: Dean/Senior Lecturer
Dr. Emmanuel HAGENIMANA is a
Rwandan citizen, is a Mathematician and Statistian. Dr. Emmanuel HAGENIMANA has
been appointed as permanent academic staff in the department of Civil
Engineering of INES (www.ines.ac.rw) in Rwanda since September 2018 as lecturer
from September 2018 to November 2022) and then as senior lecturer from December
2023 up to now. Dr. Emmanuel HAGENIMANA has been appointed as Head of
Department of Statistics Applied to Economy and then later appointed as Dean of
Faculty of Applied Fundamental Sciences, Now is the Dean of Faculty of Sciences
and Information Technology. Dr. Emmanuel HAGENIMANA has published extensively
research papers in high quality international scientific journals and he is an
expert in reviewing in different indexed journals. Dr. Emmanuel HAGENIMANA has academic
experience in teaching at university ranges from the undergraduate to master’s
levels in different universities of Rwanda and of the region where he has
participated in Inter-University Council for East Africa Staff Mobility
appointed in University name ARDHI-University located in Dar-es Salaam in
Tanzania for Four Months started in January 2025. Dr. Emmanuel HAGENIMANA has successfully
supervised a good number of undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations thesis
and has excellent record in internationalization. Dr. Emmanuel HAGENIMANA has
completed all related levels of formal education where he has studied his under
graduate in University of Rwanda formal Kigali Institute of Education (KIE) with
Bachelor of Sciences with Education that is the combination of
Mathematics-Physics with Education. Dr. Emmanuel HAGENIMANA has completed his
Masters in Country of India university name Periyar University in Pure
Mathematics this is the masters in mathematical Sciences. Dr. Emmanuel
HAGENIMANA has also received an informal training called MPhil that is Masters
in Philosophy in Stochastic Differential Equations and his research career is
oriented in Reliability theory and differential equations. Dr. Emmanuel
HAGENIMANA has completed his PhD in Probability Theory and Mathematical
Statistics in School of Mathematical Sciences in country of China University
name Dalian University of Technology.
Number: +250788344997
Address: ehagenimana@ines.ac.rw