Dr. NFOR NFOR Nde Nyambi
Graduate school: The University of Dschang, Cameroon.
Qualification: PhD
Area Of Specialization: Criminal Law
Department/Office: Law
Service/Position/Rank: Lecturer
Dr. Nfor holds a Ph.D. in Public Law, a Master's Degree in Public Law, and a Bachelor's Degree in Law and Political Science, all from the University of Dschang, Cameroon.
Dr. Nfor is an esteemed International Law scholar specializing in Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Law, and Transitional Justice. He has authored numerous scientific publications, including journal articles and book chapters, in these areas of expertise. His contributions to reputable international conferences have led to submissions being translated into published journal pieces or book chapters, further enriching the academic discourse in his specialty.
Beyond academia, Dr. Nfor is a dedicated human rights advocate, actively volunteering and affiliating with national, continental, and universal institutions aimed at promoting and protecting human rights. He also contributes to initiatives focused on investigating and collecting evidence of war-time atrocities, showcasing his commitment to justice and humanitarian causes.