Course duration

All languages have main levels, the most important of which are Beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Every person who chooses to join our courses, are helped to learn based on their preferences and language levels.

Language Proficiency Levels Required Learning Time
Beginner (A1) 4 months
Elementary (A2) 4 months
Intermediate (B1) 3 months
Upper intermediate (B2) 2 months
Advanced (C1) 2 months

A) Language Placement Test

Before you begin your courses, you can take a free of charge language placement test. The above table lists the first-assessed language proficiency levels in English, French, Italian, Chinese, German, Spanish and Kinyarwanda. The placement test cannot be repeated.

B) The cost for all programs (A1 or C1) are shown here:

Before you begin your courses, you can take a free of charge language placement test. The above table lists the first-assessed language proficiency levels in English, French, Italian, Chinese, German, Spanish, Kiswahili and Kinyarwanda. The placement test cannot be repeated.

Levels Duration Cost Per month
A1 4months 30,000Rwfs
A2 4months 30,000Rwfs
B1 3months 40,000Rwfs
B2 2months 40,000Rwfs
C1 2months 40,000Rwfs


+250788368021/ 0727125110