“Heroism is a combination of many values”, Gen. James Kabarebe

31 January 2023

On Monday, 30th January 2023, the Senior Presidential Advisor on Security, General James Kabarebe asked students of INES-Ruhengeri to contribute to the country’s development sustainability by respecting heroism values. 

Gen. James Kabarebe requesting youth to be patriotic (Photo/Vedaste)

It was in a public talk show related to National Heroes Day which will be celebrated on 1st February 2023 under the theme “Ubutwari mu Banyarwanda, Agaciro kacu” which means “Heroism, our Dignity”.  
Gen. James Kabarebe shared with the INES-staff and students his experience in the liberation struggle by the former Rwanda Patriotic Army (RPA) which led to the liberation of Rwanda.
“In fact, RPA won the liberation struggle due to the following values: Patriotism, selfless, charisma, resilience, patience, consistency, good choice, reasonable use of available resources, discipline, adaptability, having a clear ideology, and being well organized”, Gen. James Kabarebe.
Gen. Kabarebe went on to request the young students to struggle for being quality people who take into consideration all the above-mentioned values. 

As INES-Ruhengeri is an Institute of Applied Sciences that has good laboratories, Gen. Kabarebe requested the students to use their scientific skills to develop their country which is usually small and landlocked by Oceans

Gen. James Kabarebe visiting the chemistry laboratory (photo/Vedaste)

The civil engineering laboratory (left) and Plant Tissues laboratory (right) were also visited (photo/Vedaste)

In his public talk show, Gen. Kabarebe added that unity is the key weapon that will lead to the success of all kinds of struggles that Rwanda may face. Talking to the Rwandan population, he said that its high density is an advantage rather than it could be considered as a threat, especially in terms of national sovereignty protection.

Vice-Chancellor of INES-Ruhengeri ensuring that they will continue being patriotic (photo/Vedaste)

Reacting to the message of Gen. Kabarebe, the Vice-Chancellor of INES-Ruhengeri, Father Dr. Jean Bosco Baribeshya thanked him for this opportunity to share his experience with INES Community. Vice-Chancellor ensured that they will continue to strive towards heroism.
“Patriotism is the foundation of heroism. We are patriotic and we shall continue”, Fr. Dr. Jean Bosco Baribeshya. 

About 2,000 students and staff participated to the talk show (photo/ Vedaste)

The young students also said that they have benefited much from the show. They ensured that they are ready to participate in the security courses so that at any time they can actively contribute to the country’s sovereignty.  They added that they will continue to sustain the development of Rwanda so far. 

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