INES-Ruhengeri celebrated its 20th Anniversary of existence

08 December 2023

Hon.Minister Gaspard Twagirayezu and Bishop Vincent Harolimana cutting the Cake of the Day (photo/INES)

On Thursday, 7th of December 2023, INES-Ruhengeri, the Institute of Applied Sciences which is located in Musanze District celebrated its 20th Anniversary of existence in teaching, doing research, and engaging with the community. 

The ceremony was started by the Holy Mass (photo /INES)

The Guest of Honor in this ceremony with the theme “Shifting from Paper to Product” was the Minister of Education, Honorable Gaspard Twagirayezu. He appreciated the development of INES-Ruhengeri so far and encouraged it to keep on delivering quality education.

Thank you for what you have done so far and keep working hard. MINEDUC will always support you”. Hon. Minister said.

The  Minister of Education, Gaspard Twagirayezu promising support to INES-Ruhengeri  (photo/INES)

The real birthday of a university here in Musanze was 17 November 2003, the first day of Classes while the foundation stone was posted on 30th June 2003 by His Excellency Paul Kagame, the President of the Republic of Rwanda.

We want to thank especially His Excellency Paul Kagame the President of the Republic of Rwanda who accepted to come to Musanze to lay the foundation stone and by so doing start the construction of this Campus. We are grateful indeed!”, His Lordship Bishop Vincent Harolimana, Chancellor of INES-Ruhengeri mentioned in his speech.

His Lordship Bishop Vincent Harolimana delivering his speech (photo/INES)

He added that they thank the Kingdom of the Netherlands through its Embassy in Kigali and other partners who contributed to the physical infrastructure of this Campus.

All those who contributed to the building of the infrastructures, elaborating different programs, technology transfer and teaching and learning, scholarships and psychological support of any kind, please find here the expression of our heartfelt gratitude.”, H.L. Bishop Vincent Harolimana.

INES-Ruhengeri is an international University with more than 507 international students from 17 nationalities. Currently, INES has about 5,000 students in both programs: undergraduate and post-graduate. About 11,000 graduates already joined the labor market in various sectors.

Gisubizo Cultural Troupe and students from South Sudan entertained the participants at the ceremony (photo / INES)

This anniversary was combined also with the celebration of the Feast of St. John Paul II, the Patron of INES-Ruhengeri as well as the INES’ Career Day 2023 where students and graduates presented their projects which aimed to bring solutions to the community challenges.

Five Best projects were awarded by INES-Ruhengeri (photo/INES)

Shortly, INES-Ruhengeri will be able to send abroad well-prepared employees who will be able to work and bring back to Africa dollars to build African nations.

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